collection = $_SESSION['collection_id_choice']; $this->load_configuration(); $this->retrieve_datas(); $this->process_functions(); $this->insert_emptyColumns(); $_SESSION['export']['filename'] = $this->make_csv(); } // Private private function load_configuration() { // Retrieve id to create paths (app & custom) $id_app = $_SESSION['config']['app_id']; $id_custom = false; if (!empty($_SESSION['custom_override_id'])) $id_custom = $_SESSION['custom_override_id']; $collection = $this->collection; // Retrieve name for export configuration file $fileName = 'export.xml'; // Make paths to xml dir $pathToDir_app = 'apps/' . $id_app . '/xml/'; $pathToDir_custom = 'custom/' . $id_custom . '/' . $pathToDir_app; $pathToFile_app = $pathToDir_app . $fileName; $pathToFile_custom = $pathToDir_custom . $fileName; // Load the configuration file if ($id_custom && file_exists($pathToFile_custom)) $configuration = simplexml_load_file($pathToFile_custom); else $configuration = simplexml_load_file($pathToFile_app); // Store interesting part of the configuration $this->configuration = $configuration->$collection; $this->delimiter = end($configuration->CSVOPTIONS->DELIMITER); $this->enclosure = end($configuration->CSVOPTIONS->ENCLOSURE); $this->isUtf8 = end($configuration->CSVOPTIONS->IS_UTF8); } private function retrieve_datas() { // Retrieve the query $query = $this->make_query(); // Retrieve datas $db = new dbquery(); $db->connect(); $result = $db->query($query); $i = 0; $this->object_export = new EmptyObject(); while($line = $db->fetch_object()) { if ($i == 0) { $this->object_export->$i = $this->retrieve_header(); $i = 1; } if ($line->doc_date) { $line->doc_date = substr($line->doc_date, 0,10); } if ($line->admission_date) { $line->admission_date = substr($line->admission_date, 0,10); } if ($line->process_limit_date) { $line->process_limit_date = substr($line->process_limit_date, 0,10); } $this->object_export->$i = $line; $i++; } } private function make_query() { // Retrieve the end of last select query on the list $endLastQuery = substr( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], strpos( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], 'FROM' ) ); // Create template for the new query $query_template = 'SELECT '; $query_template .= '##DATABASE_FIELDS## '; $query_template .= $endLastQuery; // Retrieve ##DATABASE_FIELDS## $fields = $this->configuration->FIELD; $i_max = count($fields); $database_fields = false; for($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; $database_fields .= $field->DATABASE_FIELD; if ($i != ($i_max-1)) $database_fields .= ', '; } // Return query return str_replace( '##DATABASE_FIELDS##', $database_fields, $query_template ); } private function retrieve_header() { $return = new StdClass(); $fields = $this->configuration->FIELD; $i_max = count($fields); for($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; $database_field = end(explode('.', $field->DATABASE_FIELD)); $return->$database_field = end($field->LIBELLE); } return $return; } private function encode() { foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { foreach($line_value as $column_name => $column_value) { if ($this->retrieve_encoding($column_value) === false) { $column_value = utf8_encode($column_value); } if ($this->isUtf8 <> "TRUE") { $column_value = utf8_decode($column_value); } $column_value = $this->unprotect_string($column_value); $this->object_export->$line_name->$column_name = $column_value; } } } private function retrieve_encoding($string) { return mb_detect_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', true); } private function unprotect_string($string) { return str_replace("\'", "'", $string); } private function process_functions() { $functions = $this->configuration->FUNCTIONS->FUNCTION; $functions_max = count($functions); for($i=0; $i<$functions_max; $i++) { $function = $functions[$i]; $call = $function->CALL; if (method_exists($this, $call)) eval('$this->' . $call . '(\'' . $function->LIBELLE . '\');'); } } private function insert_emptyColumns() { $emptys = $this->configuration->EMPTYS->EMPTY; $emptys_max = count($emptys); for ($i=0; $i<$emptys_max; $i++) { $empty = $emptys[$i]; $libelle = end($empty->LIBELLE); $colname = end($empty->COLNAME); foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { $line_value->$colname = $libelle; break; } } } private function make_csv() { // Manage encoding $this->encode(); // Object2Array $functions = new functions(); $this->array_export = $functions->object2array($this->object_export); // Create temp path do { $csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) . '.csv'; if (isset($pathToCsv) && !empty($pathToCsv)) { $csvName = $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '-' . md5($pathToCsv) . '.csv'; } $pathToCsv = $_SESSION['config']['tmppath'] . $csvName; } while (file_exists($pathToCsv)); // Write csv $csv = fopen($pathToCsv, 'a+'); foreach ($this->array_export as $line) { fputcsv($csv, $line, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure); } fclose($csv); // Return csvName return $csvName; } } class ExportFunctions { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Functions - - All the functions must have only one argument - This argument is the name of the column for the header of the export - - Toutes les fonctions doivent avoir un argument et un seul - Cette argument est le libelle de la colonne à afficher dans l'en-tête du - fichier d'export ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function retrieve_copies($libelle) { $db = new dbquery(); $db->connect(); $db2 = new dbquery(); $db2->connect(); $collection = $this->collection; $query_template = 'SELECT '; $query_template .= 'item_id, '; $query_template .= 'item_type '; $query_template .= 'FROM '; $query_template .= 'listinstance '; $query_template .= 'WHERE '; $query_template .= "res_id = ##res_id## "; $query_template .= "AND "; $query_template .= "coll_id = '" . $collection . "' "; $query_template .= "AND "; $query_template .= "item_mode = 'cc'"; $query_template2 = 'SELECT '; $query_template2 .= 'entity_id '; $query_template2 .= 'FROM '; $query_template2 .= 'users_entities '; $query_template2 .= 'WHERE '; $query_template2 .= "user_id = '##item_id##' "; $query_template2 .= "AND "; $query_template2 .= "primary_entity = 'Y'"; $i = 0; foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { if ($i == 0) { $line_value->retrieve_copies = $libelle; $i++; continue; } $return = false; $res_id = $line_value->res_id; $query = str_replace('##res_id##', $res_id, $query_template); $db->query($query); while($result = $db->fetch_object()) { if ($result->item_type == 'user_id') { $query = str_replace('##item_id##', $result->item_id, $query_template2); $db2->query($query); while ($result2 = $db2->fetch_object()) { $usersEntities = $result->item_id . ' : ' . $result2->entity_id; } } else { $usersEntities = $result->item_id; } $return .= $usersEntities . " # "; } if (strlen($return) > 3) $return = substr($return, 0, -3); $line_value->retrieve_copies = $return; $i++; } } function makeLink_detail($libelle) { $link_template = $_SESSION['config']['businessappurl'] . 'index.php' . '?page=details' . '&dir=indexing_searching' . '&id=##res_id##'; $i=0; foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { if ($i == 0) { $line_value->makeLink_detail = $libelle; $i++; continue; } $res_id = $line_value->res_id; $link = str_replace('##res_id##', $res_id, $link_template); $line_value->makeLink_detail = $link; } } function get_priority($libelle) { $endLastQuery = substr( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], strpos( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], 'FROM' ) ); $query_priority = "SELECT priority FROM res_view_letterbox WHERE res_id = ##res_id## "; $db = new dbquery(); $db->connect(); $i=0; foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { if ($i == 0) { $line_value->get_priority = $libelle; $i++; continue; } $res_id = $line_value->res_id; $query = str_replace('##res_id##', $res_id, $query_priority); $db->query($query); $result = $db->fetch_object(); $link_label = $_SESSION['mail_priorities'][$result->priority]; $line_value->get_priority = $link_label; } } function get_status($libelle) { $endLastQuery = substr( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], strpos( $_SESSION['last_select_query'], 'FROM' ) ); $query_status = "SELECT label_status FROM res_view_letterbox LEFT JOIN status on res_view_letterbox.status = WHERE res_id = ##res_id## "; $db = new dbquery(); $db->connect(); $i=0; foreach($this->object_export as $line_name => $line_value) { if ($i == 0) { $line_value->get_status = $libelle; $i++; continue; } $res_id = $line_value->res_id; $query = str_replace('##res_id##', $res_id, $query_status); $db->query($query); $result = $db->fetch_object(); $line_value->get_status = $result->label_status; } } }