. */ /** * @brief Embedded sql functions (connection, database selection, query ). * Allow to changes the databases server * * @file * @author Claire Figueras * @author Laurent Giovannoni * @author Loic Vinet * @date $date$ * @version $Revision$ * @ingroup core */ /** * @brief Embedded sql functions (connection, database selection, query ). * Allow to changes the databases server * *
  • Compatibility with the following databases : Mysql, Postgres, * Mssql Server, Oracle *
  • Connection to the Maarch database
  • *
  • Execution of SQL queries to the Maarch database
  • *
  • Getting results of SQL queries
  • *
  • Managing the database errors
  • *
* @ingroup core */ class dbquery extends functions { /** * Debug mode activation. * Integer 1,0 */ private $_debug; // debug mode /** * Debug query (debug mode). String */ private $_debugQuery; // request for the debug mode /** * SQL link identifier * Integer */ public $_sqlLink; // sql link identifier /** * To know where the script was stopped * Integer */ private $_sqlError; // to know where the script was stopped /** * SQL query * String */ public $query; // query /** * Number of queries made with this identifier * Integer */ private $_nbQuery; // number of queries made with this identifier /** * Sent query result * String */ private $_result; // sent query result /** * OCI query identifier * @access private * @var integer */ private $_statement ; // OCI query identifier private $_server; private $_port; private $_user; private $_password; private $_database; private $_databasetype; //private $workspace; public function __construct() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) < 1) { if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databaseserver'])) { $this->_server = $_SESSION['config']['databaseserver']; } if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databaseserverport'])) { $this->_port = $_SESSION['config']['databaseserverport']; } if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databaseuser'])) { $this->_user = $_SESSION['config']['databaseuser']; } if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databasepassword'])) { $this->_password = $_SESSION['config']['databasepassword']; } if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databasename'])) { $this->_database = $_SESSION['config']['databasename']; } //$this->workspace = $_SESSION['config']['databaseworkspace']; if (isset($_SESSION['config']['databasetype'])) { $this->_databasetype = $_SESSION['config']['databasetype']; } } else { $errorArgs = true; if (is_array($args[0])) { if (! isset($args[0]['server'])) { $this->_server = ''; } else { $this->_server = $args[0]['server']; } if (! isset($args[0]['databasetype'])) { $this->_databasetype = 'MYSQL'; } else { $this->_databasetype = $args[0]['databasetype']; } if (! isset($args[0]['port'])) { $this->_port = '3304'; } else { $this->_port = $args[0]['port']; } if (! isset($args[0]['user'])) { $this->_user = 'root'; } else { $this->_user = $args[0]['user']; } //if(!isset($args[0]['workspace'])) //{ // $this->workspace = 'public'; //} //else //{ // $this->workspace = $args[0]['workspace']; //} if (! isset($args[0]['pass'])) { $this->_password = ''; } else { $this->_password = $args[0]['pass']; } if (! isset($args[0]['base'])) { $this->_database = ''; } else { $this->_database = $args[0]['base']; } $errorArgs = false; } else if (is_string($args[0]) && file_exists($args[0])) { $xmlconfig = simplexml_load_file($args[0]); $config = $xmlconfig->CONFIG_BASE; $this->_server = (string) $config->databaseserver; $this->_port = (string) $config->databaseserverport; $this->_databasetype = (string) $config->databasetype; $this->_database = (string) $config->databasename; $this->_user = (string) $config->databaseuser; $this->_password = (string) $config->databasepassword; //if (isset($config->databaseworkspace)) { // $this->workspace = (string) $config->databaseworkspace; // } $errorArgs = false; } if ($errorArgs) { $this->_sqlError = 5; // error constructor $this->error(); } } } /** * Connects to the database * */ public function connect() { $this->_debug = 0; $this->_nbQuery = 0; switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : $this->_sqlLink = @mysqli_connect( $this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_password, $this->_database, $this->_port ); break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : $this->_sqlLink = @pg_connect( 'host=' . $this->_server . ' user=' . $this->_user . ' password=' . $this->_password . ' dbname=' . $this->_database . ' port=' . $this->_port ); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : $this->_sqlLink = @mssql_connect( $this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_password ); break; case 'ORACLE' : if ($this->_server <> '') { $this->_sqlLink = oci_connect( $this->_user, $this->_password, '//' . $this->_server . '/' . $this->_database, 'UTF8' ); } else { $this->_sqlLink = oci_connect( $this->_user, $this->_password, $this->_database, 'UTF8' ); } $this->query("alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI:SS'"); break; default : $this->_sqlLink = false; break; } if (! $this->_sqlLink) { $this->_sqlError = 1; // error connexion $this->error(); } else { $this->select_db(); } } /** * Database selection (only for SQLSERVER) */ public function select_db() { if ($this->_databasetype == 'SQLSERVER') { if (! @mssql_select_db($this->_database)) { $this->_sqlError = 2; $this->error(); } } } /** * Test if the specified column exists in the database * * @param $table : Name of searched table * @param $field : Name of searched field in table * ==Return : true is field is founed, false is not */ public function test_column($table, $field) { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'POSTGRESQL' : $this->connect(); $this->query("select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" . $table . "' and column_name = '" . $field . "'"); $res = $this->nb_result(); $this->disconnect(); if ($res > 0) return true; else return false; case 'ORACLE' : $this->connect(); $this->query("SELECT * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '" . $table . "' AND COLUMN_NAME = '" . $field . "'"); $res = $this->nb_result(); $this->disconnect(); if ($res > 0) return true; else return false; case 'SQLSERVER' : return true; // TO DO case 'MYSQL' : return true; // TO DO default : return false; } } /** * Execution the sql query * * @param $sqlQuery string SQL query * @param $catchError bool In case of error, catch the error or not, * if not catched, the error is displayed (false by default) * @param $noFilter bool true if you don't want to filter on ; and -- */ public function query( $sqlQuery, $catchError = false, $noFilter = false, &$params = array() ) { if (!$this->_sqlLink) { $this->connect(); } $canExecute = true; // if filter, we looking for ; or -- in the sql query if (!$noFilter) { $func = new functions(); $sqlQuery = $func->wash_html($sqlQuery, ''); $ctrl1 = array(); $ctrl1 = explode(";", $sqlQuery); if (count($ctrl1) > 1) { $canExecute = false; $this->_sqlError = 7; $this->error(); } $ctrl2 = array(); $ctrl2 = explode("--", $sqlQuery); if (count($ctrl2) > 1) { $canExecute = false; $this->_sqlError = 7; $this->error(); } } // query if ($canExecute) { $this->_debugQuery = $sqlQuery; switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : $this->query = @mysqli_query($this->_sqlLink, $sqlQuery); break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : $this->query = @pg_query($this->_sqlLink, $sqlQuery); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : $this->query = @mssql_query($sqlQuery); break; case 'ORACLE' : $this->query = @oci_parse($this->_sqlLink, $sqlQuery); if ($this->query == false) { if ($catchError) return false; $this->_sqlError = 6; $this->error(); exit(); } else { if(count($params) > 0) { //echo "
Params to bind:"; var_dump($params); foreach($params as $paramname => &$paramvar) { $binded = oci_bind_by_name($this->query, $paramname, $paramvar, 100, SQLT_CHR); } } if (! @oci_execute($this->query)) { if ($catchError) return false; $this->_sqlError = 3; $this->error(); } if(count($params) > 0) { //echo "
Params after execution: "; var_dump($params); } } break; default : $this->query = false; } //$this->show(); if ($this->query == false && !$catchError) { $this->_sqlError = 3; $this->error(); } $this->_nbQuery ++; return $this->query; } else { return false; } } public function start_transaction() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : @mysqli_query($this->_sqlLink, 'BEGIN'); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : @pg_query($this->_sqlLink, 'BEGIN'); break; case 'ORACLE' : break; } } public function rollback() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : @mysqli_query($this->_sqlLink, 'ROLLBACK'); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : @pg_query($this->_sqlLink, 'ROLLBACK'); break; case 'ORACLE' : break; } } public function commit() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : @mysqli_query($this->_sqlLink, 'COMMIT'); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : @pg_query($this->_sqlLink, 'COMMIT'); break; case 'ORACLE' : break; } } public function getError() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL': $sqlError = @mysqli_errno($this->_sqlLink); break; case 'SQLSERVER' : $sqlError = @mssql_get_last_message(); break; case 'POSTGRESQL': @pg_send_query($this->_sqlLink, $this->_debugQuery); $res = @pg_get_result($this->_sqlLink); $sqlError .= @pg_result_error($res); break; case 'ORACLE' : $res = @oci_error($this->statement); $sqlError = $res['message']; break; default : } return $sqlError; } /** * Returns the query results in an object * * @return Object */ public function fetch_object() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_fetch_object($this->query); case 'SQLSERVER' : return @mssql_fetch_object($this->query); case 'POSTGRESQL' : return @pg_fetch_object($this->query); case 'ORACLE' : $myObject = @oci_fetch_object($this->query); //$myLowerObject = false; $myLowerObject = new stdClass(); if (isset($myObject) && ! empty($myObject)) { foreach ($myObject as $key => $value) { $myKey = strtolower($key); if (oci_field_type($this->query, $key) == 'CLOB') { $myBlob = $myObject->$key; if (isset($myBlob)) { $myLowerObject->$myKey = $myBlob->read( $myBlob->size() ); } } else { $myLowerObject->$myKey = $myObject->$key; } } return $myLowerObject; } else { return false; } } } /** * Returns the query results in an array * * @return array */ public function fetch_array() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_fetch_array($this->query); case 'SQLSERVER' : return @mssql_fetch_array($this->query); case 'POSTGRESQL' : return @pg_fetch_array($this->query); case 'ORACLE' : $tmpStatement = array(); $tmpStatement = @oci_fetch_array($this->query); if (is_array($tmpStatement)) { //$this->show_array($tmp_statement); foreach (array_keys($tmpStatement) as $key) { if (! is_numeric($key) && oci_field_type($this->query, $key) == 'CLOB' ) { if (isset($tmpStatement[$key])) { $tmp = $tmpStatement[$key]; $tmpStatement[$key] = $tmp->read($tmp->size()); } } } return array_change_key_case($tmpStatement, CASE_LOWER); } default : return false; } } /** * Returns the query results in an array * * @return array */ public function fetch_assoc() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->query); case 'SQLSERVER' : return @mssql_fetch_assoc($this->query); case 'POSTGRESQL' : return @pg_fetch_assoc($this->query); case 'ORACLE' : $tmpStatement = array(); $tmpStatement = @oci_fetch_assoc($this->query); if (is_array($tmpStatement)) { //$this->show_array($tmp_statement); foreach (array_keys($tmpStatement) as $key) { if (! is_numeric($key) && oci_field_type($this->query, $key) == 'CLOB' ) { if (isset($tmpStatement[$key])) { $tmp = $tmpStatement[$key]; $tmpStatement[$key] = $tmp->read($tmp->size()); } } } return array_change_key_case($tmpStatement, CASE_LOWER); } default : return false; } } /** * Returns the query results in a row * * @return array */ public function fetch_row() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_fetch_row($this->query); case 'POSTGRESQL' : return @pg_fetch_row($this->query); case 'SQLSERVER' : return @mssql_fetch_row($this->query); case 'ORACLE' : return @oci_fetch_row($this->statement); default : return false; } } /** * Returns the number of results for the current query * * @return integer Results number */ public function nb_result() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_num_rows($this->query); case 'POSTGRESQL' : return @pg_num_rows($this->query); case 'SQLSERVER' : return @mssql_num_rows($this->query); case 'ORACLE' : if (file_exists($GLOBALS['configFile'])) { $dbNbResult = new dbquery($GLOBALS['configFile']); } else { $dbNbResult = new dbquery(); } $dbNbResult->connect(); $dbNbResult->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (" . $this->_debugQuery . ")", true); $row = $dbNbResult->fetch_array(); return $row[0]; default : return false; } } /** * Closes database connexion * */ public function disconnect() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL': if (! mysqli_close($this->_sqlLink)) { $this->_sqlError = 4; $this->error(); } break; case 'SQLSERVER' : if (! mssql_close($this->_sqlLink)) { $this->_sqlError = 4; $this->error(); } break; case 'POSTGRESQL': if (! pg_close($this->_sqlLink)) { $this->_sqlError = 4; $this->error(); } break; case 'ORACLE' : if (! oci_close($this->_sqlLink)) { $this->_sqlError = 4; $this->error(); } break; default : } } /** * SQL Error management * */ private function error() { require_once('core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'class_history.php'); $trace = new history(); // Connexion error if ($this->_sqlError == 1) { //$trace->add("", 0, "CONNECT", "DBERROR", _CONNECTION_DB_FAILED." : ".$this->_user."@".$this->_server.":".$this->_port, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_FATAL); // Shows the connexion data (server, port, user, pass) echo '- ' . _DB_CONNEXION_ERROR . ''; if ($_SESSION['config']['debug'] == 'true') { echo ' -

' . _DATABASE_SERVER . ' : ' . $this->_server . '
' . _DB_PORT . ' : ' . $this->_port . '
' . _DB_TYPE . ' : ' . $this->_databasetype . '
' . _DB_NAME . ' : ' . $this->_database . '
' . _DB_USER . ' : ' . $this->_user . '
' . _PASSWORD . ' : ' . $this->_password; } header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error'); exit(); } // Selection error if ($this->_sqlError == 2) { echo '- ' . _SELECTION_BASE_ERROR . ''; if ($_SESSION['config']['debug'] == 'true') { echo ' -

' . _DATABASE . ' : ' . $this->_database; } $trace->add("", 0, "SELECTDB", "DBERROR", _SELECT_DB_FAILED." : ".$this->_database, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_FATAL); exit(); } // Query error if ($this->_sqlError == 3) { $sqlError = $this->getError(); $trace->add( "", 0, "QUERY", "DBERROR", _QUERY_DB_FAILED . ": '" . $sqlError . "' " . _QUERY . ": [" . $this->protect_string_db($this->_debugQuery)."]", $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_ERROR ); throw new Exception (_QUERY_DB_FAILED.": '".$sqlError."' "._QUERY.": [".$this->protect_string_db($this->_debugQuery)."]"); /* $sqlErrorToView = '' . _QUERY_ERROR . '
'; $sqlError = ''; if ($this->_databasetype == 'MYSQL') { $sqlError .= _ERROR_NUM . @mysqli_errno($this->_sqlLink) . ' ' . _HAS_JUST_OCCURED . ' :
'; //$sqlError .= _MESSAGE . ' : ' . @mysqli_error($this->_sqlLink) . '
'; } else if ($this->_databasetype == 'POSTGRESQL') { @pg_send_query($this->_sqlLink, $this->_debugQuery); $res = @pg_get_result($this->_sqlLink); $sqlError .= @pg_result_error($res); } else if ($this->_databasetype == 'SQLSERVER') { $sqlError .= @mssql_get_last_message(); } else if ($this->_databasetype == 'ORACLE') { $res = @oci_error($this->statement); $sqlError .= $res['message']; } $_SESSION['error'] = $sqlErrorToView; if ($_SESSION['config']['debug'] == 'true') { echo $sqlError; echo '
' . _QUERY . ' : '; exit(); }*/ //exit(); } // Closing connexion error if ($this->_sqlError == 4) { echo '- ' . _CLOSE_CONNEXION_ERROR . ' -

'; $trace->add("", 0, "CLOSE", "DBERROR", _CLOSE_DB_FAILED, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_ERROR); exit(); } // Constructor error if ($this->_sqlError == 5) { echo '- ' . _DB_INIT_ERROR . '
'; $trace->add("", 0, "INIT", "DBERROR", _INIT_DB_FAILED, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_ERROR); exit(); } // Query Preparation error (ORACLE & DB2) if ($this->_sqlError == 6) { echo '- ' . _QUERY_PREP_ERROR . '
'; $trace->add("", 0, "QUERY", "DBERROR", _PREPARE_QUERY_DB_FAILED, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_ERROR); exit(); } // Query Preparation error (ORACLE & DB2) if ($this->_sqlError == 7) { $_SESSION['error'] .= '' . _SQL_QUERY_NOT_SECURE . '
'; //echo $_SESSION['error']; $trace->add("", 0, "QUERY", "DBERROR", _SQL_QUERY_NOT_SECURE, $_SESSION['config']['databasetype'], "database", true, _KO, _LEVEL_ERROR); //exit(); } } /** * Shows the query for debug * */ public function show() { echo _LAST_QUERY . ' : '; } /** * Returns the last insert id for the current query in case of * autoincrement id * * @return integer last increment id */ public function last_insert_id($sequenceName = '') { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return @mysqli_insert_id($this->_sqlLink); case 'POSTGRESQL' : $this->query = @pg_query("select currval('" . $sequenceName . "') as lastinsertid"); $line = @pg_fetch_object($this->query); return $line->lastinsertid; case 'SQLSERVER' : return ''; case 'ORACLE' : $this->query("select " . $sequenceName . ".currval as lastinsertid from dual"); $line = $this->fetch_object($this->query); return $line->lastinsertid; default : return false; } } /** * Returns the next free id of a sequence * * @param string $seqName name of the sequence * * @return integer next id in the given sequence */ public function next_id($sequenceName = '') { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return ''; case 'POSTGRESQL' : $this->query = @pg_query("select nextval('" . $sequenceName . "') as nextid"); $line = @pg_fetch_object($this->query); return $line->nextid; case 'SQLSERVER' : return ''; case 'ORACLE' : $this->query("select " . $sequenceName . ".nextval as nextid from dual"); $line = $this->fetch_object($this->query); return $line->nextid; default : return false; } } /************************************************************************* * Returns instruction to get date or part of the date * * Parameters * (string) date string * (string) date part name {year | month | day | hour | minute | second} * * Return * (string) date instruction * *************************************************************************/ public function extract_date($date_field, $arg = '') { switch ($this->_databasetype) { case "SQLSERVER": return ''; case "MYSQL": switch($arg) { case 'year' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %Y)'; case 'month' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %m)'; case 'day' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %d)'; case 'hour' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %k)'; case 'minute' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %i)'; case 'second' : return ' date_format('.$date_field.', %s)'; default : return ' date('.$date_field.')'; } case "POSTGRESQL": switch($arg) { case 'year' : return " date_part( 'year', ".$date_field.")"; case 'month' : return " date_part( 'month', ".$date_field.")"; case 'day' : return " date_part( 'day', ".$date_field.")"; case 'hour' : return " date_part( 'hour', ".$date_field.")"; case 'minute' : return " date_part( 'minute', ".$date_field.")"; case 'second' : return " date_part( 'second', ".$date_field.")"; default : return ' date('.$date_field.')'; } case "ORACLE": switch($arg) { case 'year' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'YYYY')"; case 'month' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'MM')"; case 'day' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'DD')"; case 'hour' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'HH24')"; case 'minute' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'MI')"; case 'second' : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'SS')"; //default : return " to_char(".$date_field.", 'DD/MM/YYYY')"; default : return $date_field; } } } public function escape_string($string) { switch ($this->_databasetype) { case "SQLSERVER" : $string = str_replace("'", "''", $string); $string = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $string); break; case "ORACLE" : $string = str_replace("'", "''", $string); $string = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $string); break; case "MYSQL": $string = mysql_escape_string($string); break; case "POSTGRESQL": $string = pg_escape_string($string); } return $string; } /************************************************************************* * Returns the difference between 2 dates in days * * Parameters * (string) end date * (string) start date * * Return * (integer) number of days * *************************************************************************/ public function get_date_diff($date1, $date2) { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return 'datediff('.$date1.', '.$date2.')'; case 'POSTGRESQL' : return $this->extract_date($date1).' - '.$this->extract_date($date2); case 'SQLSERVER' : return ''; case 'ORACLE' : if ($date1 <> 'SYSDATE') { $date1 = "to_date(" . $date1 . ", 'DD/MM/YYYY')"; } elseif ($date2 <> 'SYSDATE') { $date2 = "to_date(" . $date2 . ", 'DD/MM/YYYY')"; } return $date1 . " - " . $date2; default : return false; } } /************************************************************************* * Returns the word to get the current timestamp on a query * * Return * (string) timestamp word * *************************************************************************/ public function current_datetime() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; case 'POSTGRESQL' : return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; case 'SQLSERVER' : return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; case 'ORACLE' : return 'SYSDATE'; default : return ' '; } } /************************************************************************* * Returns a select query with limit clause * * Parameters * (integer) start : Offset of first result requested (default 0) * (integer) count : Number of result requested (default 0) * (string) select expression : Selected columns (comma separated) * (string) table references : One or more tables (can be prepared by function make_table_ref) * (string) where def * (string) other_clauses : group_by, order_by, having... * (string) select options : distinct * * Return * (string) query string * * Evolutions * Offset with MSSQL *************************************************************************/ public function limit_select($start, $count, $select_expr, $table_refs, $where_def='1=1', $other_clauses='', $select_opts='') { // LIMIT if($count || $start) { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : $limit_clause = 'LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $count; break; case 'POSTGRESQL' : $limit_clause = 'OFFSET ' . $start . ' LIMIT ' . $count; break; case 'SQLSERVER' : $select_opts .= ' TOP ' . $count; break; case 'ORACLE' : if($where_def) $where_def .= ' AND '; $where_def .= ' ROWNUM <= ' . $count; break; default : break; } } if(empty($where_def)) $where_def = '1=1'; // CONSTRUCT QUERY $query = 'SELECT' . ' ' . $select_opts . ' ' . $select_expr . ' FROM ' . $table_refs . ' WHERE ' . $where_def . ' ' . $other_clauses . ' ' . $limit_clause; return $query; } /************************************************************************* * Returns an empty list for SELECT X WHERE Y IN (------) * * Return * (string) Empty list * *************************************************************************/ public function empty_list() { switch($this->_databasetype) { case 'MYSQL' : return "''"; case 'POSTGRESQL' : return "''"; case 'SQLSERVER' : return "''''"; case 'ORACLE' : return "''''"; default : return "''"; } } }