. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* THIS PAGE CAN NOT BE OVERWRITTEN IN A CUSTOM */ /* */ /* */ /* **************************************************************************/ /** * @brief Maarch index page : every php page is loaded with this page * * @file * @author Claire Figueras * @author Laurent Giovannoni * @author Loic Vinet * @date $date$ * @version $Revision$ * @ingroup apps */ include_once '../../core/class/class_functions.php'; include_once '../../core/class/class_db_pdo.php'; include_once '../../core/init.php'; if ($_SESSION['config']['usePHPIDS'] == 'true') { include 'apps/maarch_entreprise/phpids_control.php'; } if (isset($_SESSION['config']['corepath'])) { require_once 'core/class/class_functions.php'; require_once 'core/class/class_db.php'; require_once 'core/class/class_core_tools.php'; $core = new core_tools(); if (! isset($_SESSION['custom_override_id']) || empty($_SESSION['custom_override_id']) ) { $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] = $core->get_custom_id(); if (! empty($_SESSION['custom_override_id'])) { $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom/' . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . '/'; set_include_path( $path . '/' . $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] ); } } } else { require_once '../../core/class/class_functions.php'; require_once '../../core/class/class_db.php'; require_once '../../core/class/class_core_tools.php'; $core = new core_tools(); $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] = $core->get_custom_id(); chdir('../..'); if (! empty($_SESSION['custom_override_id'])) { $path = $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] . 'custom/' . $_SESSION['custom_override_id'] . '/'; set_include_path( $path . '/' . $_SESSION['config']['corepath'] ); } } $core->load_lang(); if (isset($_REQUEST['dir']) && !empty($_REQUEST['dir'])) { $_REQUEST['dir'] = str_replace("\\", "", $_REQUEST['dir']); $_REQUEST['dir'] = str_replace("/", "", $_REQUEST['dir']); $_REQUEST['dir'] = str_replace("..", "", $_REQUEST['dir']); } include 'apps/maarch_entreprise/tools/maarchIVS/MaarchIVS.php'; $started = MaarchIVS::start(__DIR__ . '/xml/IVS/requests_definitions.xml', 'xml'); $valid = MaarchIVS::run('silent'); if (!$valid) { $validOutpout = MaarchIVS::debug(); $cptValid = count($validOutpout['validationErrors']); $error = ''; for ($cptV=0;$cptV<=count($cptValid);$cptV++) { $message = $validOutpout['validationErrors'][$cptV]->message; if ($message == "Length id below the minimal length") { $message = _IVS_LENGTH_ID_BELOW_MIN_LENGTH; } elseif ($message == "Length exceeds the maximal length") { $message = _IVS_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_MAX_LENGTH; } elseif ($message == "Length is not allowed") { $message = _IVS_LENGTH_NOT_ALLOWED; } elseif ($message == "Value is not allowed") { $message = _IVS_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED; } elseif ($message == "Format is not allowed") { $message = _IVS_FORMAT_NOT_ALLOWED; } elseif ($message == "Value is below the minimal value") { $message = _IVS_VALUE_BELOW_MIN_VALUE; } elseif ($message == "Value exceeds the maximal value") { $message = _IVS_LENGTH_EXCEEDS_MAX_LENGTH; } elseif ($message == "Too many digits") { $message = _IVS_TOO_MANY_DIGITS; } elseif ($message == "Too many decimal digits") { $message = _IVS_TOO_MANY_DECIMAL_DIGITS; } $error .= $message . PHP_EOL; $error .= $validOutpout['validationErrors'][$cptV]->parameter . PHP_EOL; $error .= $validOutpout['validationErrors'][$cptV]->value . PHP_EOL; } foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) { if (is_string($value) && strpos($value, "<") !== false) { $value = preg_replace('/(<\/?script[^>]*>|<\?php|<\?[\s|\n|\r])/i', "", $value); $_REQUEST[$name] = $value; if (isset($_GET[$name]) && $_GET[$name] <> '') { $_GET[$name] = $value; } if (isset($_POST[$name]) && $_POST[$name] <> '') { $_POST[$name] = $value; } } $value = str_replace("\\", "", $value); $value = str_replace("/", "", $value); $value = str_replace("..", "", $value); $_REQUEST[$name] = $value; if (isset($_GET[$name]) && $_GET[$name] <> '') { $_GET[$name] = $value; } if (isset($_POST[$name]) && $_POST[$name] <> '') { $_POST[$name] = $value; } } //process error for ajax request if ( array_key_exists('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', $_SERVER) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest' ) { echo $error; exit; } else { //process error for standard request $_SESSION['error'] = $error; } } else { //Request is valid } if ( isset($_SESSION['user']['UserId']) && isset($_GET['page']) && !empty($_SESSION['user']['UserId']) && $_GET['page'] <> 'login' && $_GET['page'] <> 'log' && $_GET['page'] <> 'logout' ) { $db = new Database(); $key = md5( time() . '%' . $_SESSION['user']['FirstName'] . '%' . $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '%' . $_SESSION['user']['UserId'] . '%' . date('dmYHmi') . '%' ); // $db->query( // 'UPDATE ' . $_SESSION['tablename']['users'] // . " SET cookie_key = ?, cookie_date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE user_id = ? and mail = ?", // array($key, $_SESSION['user']['UserId'], $_SESSION['user']['Mail']),1 // ); } if ( !isset($_SESSION['user']['UserId']) && $_REQUEST['page'] <> 'login' && $_REQUEST['page'] <> 'log' ) { $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] = Url::requestUri(); if (trim($_SERVER['argv'][0]) <> '') { header('location: reopen.php?' . $_SERVER['argv'][0]); } else { header('location: reopen.php'); } exit(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['display'])) { $core->insert_page(); exit(); } if (isset($_GET['show'])) { $show = $_GET['show']; } else { $show = 'true'; } $core->start_page_stat(); $core->configPosition(); if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $url = $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']; unset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']); header('location: '.$url); } $core->load_html(); $core->load_header(); $time = $core->get_session_time_expire(); //reset orders in previous basket list if(empty($_SESSION['current_basket'])){ $_SESSION['save_list']['start'] = ""; $_SESSION['save_list']['lines'] = ""; $_SESSION['save_list']['order'] = ""; $_SESSION['save_list']['order_field'] = ""; $_SESSION['save_list']['template'] = ""; } ?>